My kitchen has looked like an explosion in a garden centre this morning. I have scrubbed all my propagating trays and pots to within an inch of their lives. Then I made a start planting some early seeds. Some have gone into the heated propagator and others have simply been covered with a plastic lid. The kitchen at the time of year is really sunny and the thermal warmth that comes through the window makes it a great place to start off my seeds. It's bitterly cold through the night though so until the weather warms up I will need to leave the sitting room door open. It leads into the kitchen and the wood burner will keep them all toasty warm. We bank it up every night with smokeless briquettes while the weather is freezing so we wake up to a snuggly warm house. I am planning on sowing little and often this year to avoid a glut of any particular veg. I've multi sown some of the modules after watching Charles Dowding. It's a great way to grow more veg in a limited amount of space. I haven't written the names on the plant labels I've simply numbered them. I have drawn up a chart in my gardening journal and written the corresponding numbers and veg species on the chart. It means I can use them every year and I don't need worry about wasting plant labels.
I have enough trays and pots to keep me going for years |
Sitting drying on a towel on top of the cooker. |
Multi sown beetroot |
Don't buy plant labels. Cut up yoghurt pots |
This kitchen worktop will be out of use until late spring now |
I am glad I'm not the only one who hogs all available surfaces at this time of year! My monsieur always has a bit of a whinge about the "pots of mud all over the house". Happy sowing Cherie, Lulu x