Sunday, 20 June 2021

Lovely carrots

 My carrots are coming along really well and I had a bit of a thinning session yesterday. I used all the thinning's in a pork casserole

Carrot thinning's

I used up some of the smaller onions and garlic in a casserole last night.

My Tiny Tom pumpkin has escaped from the raised bed so I am encouraging it to grow along the bark path at the back of the bed.

The escapee

The peas are looking amazing and will give us a heckuva crop once they start to swell in the pods.  We taste tested them yesterday and both agreed that they would be nice as a mange tout in a stir fry 

The pea crop

The bed above is definitely a bit over planted but it all seems healthy so I won't thin anything out.

Celeriac and celery

The celeriac and celery are coming along nicely

Sweetcorn and turnips

The sweetcorn is racing along now and the turnips that I have inter planted in the tub had better get a move on

Nero di Toscana
The Kale is really starting to take off and we are looking forward to the day when we can give it a try as I haven't grown this variety before

Rainbow chard

The rainbow chard leaves are huge and nice in salads.  To be honest they have a bit of an earthy taste but we don't mind that as they are just one ingredient in our huge mixed salad lunches. 

Florence Fennel

I've never grown Florence Fennel before and it's looking amazing. The tops are beautiful and fern like.

First courgette flower

I'm looking forward to eating courgettes this year. Last years plants came to nothing at all.

Is it a chilli?

I've no idea whether the peppers are chillies or Long Red Marconi as the labels faded.

Baby Cucamelon

I've never grown or tasted cucamelons before and it looks as though we are going to have a good crop as all of the plants are starting to produce babies. 


  1. Popping into your garden blog today, which I often forget about. Wow, its all looking quite lush & productive. I cleared our small veg beds over the weekend & hopefully we'll have better weather this coming Spring/summer so that we produce like we've done in the past. Last season was so disappointing & everyone is saying the same. Enjoy summer in the garden. Hugs.

  2. The baby cucamelons are so cute Cherie! And the carrots look tasty. I pulled up all my salad onions yesterday (needed the space for the sunflowers) and will do a mutant stir fry with them later. I have one courgette in a pot, but can't find a sensible place to put it just yet. Your Florence Fennel looks amazing. Will be interesting to know how you'll eat it. Lulu x

    1. We love the fennel raw in salads but if the crop comes to anything \i'll try it roasted.
