Tuesday 29 March 2022

Brrrr, it's chilly

 Well in fairness it is only March and is probably the average temperature for this time of year.  I'm going to need to lift the plants out of the porch at night though as it will be way to cold for them.  They're coming along nicely though and by May when the weather is warm enough for them to go outside they are going to be well ahead of my usual schedule. The yellow courgettes are almost pretty enough to earn a spot in a flower border and I'll make another sowing in a couple of weeks so that I can extend the cropping season as long as possible

Yellow courgette

Crystal Lemon cucumbers from the lovely Lulu over at Long Mizzle blog

I'm going to grow the dahlias as an edible crop and see whether they earn their place in the garden.  The flowers will be pretty in salads and it will be interesting to taste the tubers.

Dahlia seedlings

The Beth Alpha cucumber are growing rapidly and will soon be going into much bigger pots. I'm also growing White Wonder again but will be really vigilant about picking off the male flowers so that the fruit aren't bitter.

These are little patio chilli seedlings and I am planning on keeping one or two as houseplants on various windowsills

The grow bag trays are coming in very useful in the porch this year

I've never grown Butternut squash before but the seedlings look healthy and strong

Butternut quash

I potted on my aubergines the other day and will grow them in the porch. I haven't grown my own aubergines before so it will be something new for me to grow. My cantaloup melon seedlings are looking really strong too and we hope to be able to grow at least one melon in the porch... I need a bigger porch  :-) I'm going to cut the grow bags into two halves rather like a saddle bag.  I'll be able to fit two grow bags onto each tray and there's room for two to fit comfortably in the porch. I could put a third but would struggle to harvest the crop. There's two good sized windowsills in there though so they too will be put to very good use.


  1. Looking great Cherie. Oooh, I'm going to have to do a seedling update - your seeds have all sprouted and I had to pot some on yesterday.

    1. Wait till you see the Crystal lemon seedlings... They are monsters. :-)
