Sunday, 28 February 2021

A busy day

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous again and it's been another busy day here in Kemp Castle. We've given the fence its first coat of Willow and we are really pleased with it. I've moved some nice big 2ft 6'' square planters down onto the veg garden and it has given me two more areas for growing veg. The willow obelisks that we made last year fit nicely onto two of my veg planters and will be lovely for growing the Cucamelons up. A third one will be used for climbing beans and the fourth one will have a jasmine cutting growing through it if the cutting takes. I filled one of the square beds with the contents of my compost bin. It's only partially rotted down but the worms will make short work of it. I topped it off with really good compost and as long as I only plant shallow rooted veggies in that planter this year they should be absolutely fine. I stood a long rectangular planting tub along the back part of the square pot and I've put some gladioli corms into it. They will look pretty in the summer and the flowers can be torn up and added to salads.

First coat of fence paint.


  1. Sound"s like it is all "go" there at the moment and I wish we could work out how we should make ours more "oldie" friendly with such a steep slope. Luckily I've got my 2 small veg beds and maybe by the end of this year we'll see it all come together.

    1. I think even a pot of something fresh grown on a windowsill is a nice addition to any home Susan.

  2. You are a busy lady Cherie. The willow fence looks great. I hope you have a summer cocktail reserved for the cucamelons? Surely that is the only way to eat them! Lulu x

    1. I've never grown them before and have no idea what they taste like. Thankfully Tony and I will eat absolutely anything. We have stomachs like billy goats
