Monday, 1 March 2021

Brrrrrr it's chilly

Blimey there's a change in the temperature today.  Yesterday it was short sleeves and wall to wall sunshine. Today it's warm jumpers and a creeping fog. The hardy seedlings in my mini greenhouse will stay zipped up unless it warms up a bit but the ones in my porch are benefitting from the warmth of the house as I simply opened the door to let some heat through.  I have chilli, melon, mini tomato, turnip, leeks, chard, sprouts, beetroot, spring onions, lettuce, radish,French beans, peas, two different varieties of cabbage and a few other things that escape my memory all sprouting nicely. Most of them will be cold hardy enough to go outdoors under a cloche in the raised beds later this month but there's not much I can do outdoors unless it warms up a bit as the cold plays havoc with my aching hip. I'm far better off finding stuff to do indoors today. I managed to get three loads of laundry line dried yesterday though so I have a nice pile of ironing to work my way through. Lucky me!!!!! What do you have planned for the day?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cherie, I have been out gardening in the sunshine today, turning my compost heap and avoiding my iron pile! Lulu x
