The weather didn't look too promising after my walk first thing this morning but it turned out to be quite a decent day for gardening. I've got my celeriac and the 'winter sown' veggies that I had sown in the milk cartons planted up. I'm dead annoyed with myself though as I carefully numbered each container and made a note in my diary of what I had sown in each milk carton. The flippin sun has faded the numbers and one brassica seedling looks pretty much the same as another at this stage. I took pot luck with the spacings and time will tell what they are. I've put the net back on as it won't be long before the butterflies become a bit of a nuisance. Radishes are growing like crazy and they are absolutely gorgeous as an addition to salad boxes. I've been eating young onions most days from the garden and will plant twice as many sets in the autumn this year. The flavour is so much better than the shop bought ones and I am so pleased that I have planted loads of onions grown from seed. I have Steve to thank for that idea and if you haven't seen his you tube vidoes I would suggest you take a look. He is so generous sharing his gardening knowledge and his e-book. (18) Steve's Seaside Kitchen Garden & Allotment - YouTube
I'll take some photos of the veggie plots tomorrow and share them here.
Hello Cherie, drat on the faded labels! Maybe you could punch the numbers in with a skewer ? (says the master on non-labeling :0) I'm a bit confused by my red onions. I think I sowed them 3 or 4 years ago (forgot the type). They didn't do anything for a year..then started growing. I keep on separating them and they keep on multiplying and regrowing :0 Great for the stir fries, so I shouldn't complain. I will check out Steve's advise. Hope you have a great weekend. Lulu xXx