Friday, 7 May 2021

Free compost and a garden update

Every year one of our local authorities drops off a load of compost from the green waste recycling plant. Anyone can help themselves and surprisingly nobody seems interested.  Last year we half filled two raised beds and the blue tubs up the centre of the veggie plot.  My neighbour gave me all her grass cuttings and I mixed it into the compost.  The tubs were then planted with onions and lettuce which are growing really well. I have picked leaves off the lettuce since late last year and they have been absolutely lovely. I have radish in one of the tubs which is just about ready to pick now and we'll enjoy the leaves as well as the root in salads. 

The blue tubs contain lettuce, onions and radish

Tony came in from work this afternoon and brought me enough of that black gold to fill another raised bed. We are going to have a run over to the compost pile tomorrow and get enough to top up the two raised beds from last year.  I'll store it in the wood store until my onions are ready to harvest then I can clear the bed and plant it up ready for the winter veggies. 

I've had to cover the end of the bed with wire mesh
to stop the pigeons eating my baby kale.

Filled with veggie seedlings waiting for the
weather to warm up

Radish and lettuce on top of my potatoes

My beautiful Buddha

Peas and spring onions in the gutter garden

More peas in the corner

I have carrots, onions and turnip in tubs on top of the
woodstore under the pergola

I'm trying to make use of every bit of available space and the top of the wood store is perfect for the carrots. I'm hoping that it's high enough to keep the dreaded carrot fly at bay. Annoyingly Mr Blackbird keeps digging in the containers so I am keeping it covered in polythene until the plants are big enough to deter the ruddy bird. 


  1. Your veggie space is so tidy and organised Cherie. Plus I love that you have a buddha guarding over it. I got given a buddha for Christmas but haven't worked out where to put him yet, so he's sat with the tomatoes. You say tomato, I say zen tomatoes.
    Lulu x

    1. I've had that Buddha nearly thirty years and still get a thrill when I look at him

  2. You have some lovely veg on the go there, Cherie, I didn't know that you can eat radish leaves. Ours are almost ready to pull and I would have put the leaves on the compost! How silly am I!

    1. I only discovered last year that they are edible and it's given us some extra winter salad leaves for our packed lunches.

  3. I've caught up on your gardening blog! I must say you have a wonderful garden growing there! I was intrigued by your Buddha statue, as I am a Buddhist. May he watch over your garden and bless your efforts. :)

    1. Thank you Bless. I lean towards Buddhism too.
