Monday, 24 May 2021

The veggie plot today

 Even though the weather has been very cold recently I still have tons of things to pick from the veggie plot

These peas are for pods

Sweetcorn interplanted with snowball turnip

The black tubs are full of Jerusalem artichokes

I've never grown Jerusalem artichokes before and they are going to give me a lovely crop. They will have lovely yellow flowers too so they're ornamental as well as edible

Pink flowered strawberries

The freshest lettuce you will ever eat

Doesn't that look nice

The pond flower bed is starting to fill with colour.

Top of the wood store

The radish are pretty and very tasty


  1. It all looks simply wonderful and puts my efforts to shame except that 'shame is the wrong word really - we all do what we can!
    Anyway, you should be very, very proud of yourself.

    1. Thanks Joy. Gardening has always been a passion of mine. I just wish I had twice as much growing space.

  2. Your plot looks so super organised Cherie. I could just go across those peas like a hoover, and eat all the tops of them! I can't wait to see you Jerusalem Artichokes flowering. Aren't those pink stawbs flowers super sweet. Lulu x

    1. Pea tops are yummy aren't they. I have another patch growing just for the shoots.

  3. Your garden looks marvelous. We are just now passed our freeze date, and I only have half the garden planted. Lots of munchies out there, and you really maximize your space. We are cutting back a bit, in hopes of traveling...more in the ground and less pots. We will see how that works out! Fun to watch your progress from here in Chicagoland. Sandi

    1. Thanks Sandi. We have just had the coldest spring I can remember. Hoping for better weather now.
