Monday, 28 June 2021

Busy in the garden today.

After all the rain of the past few days I thought the garden would be soaked through.  I was surprised to find that it was really quite dry when I dug down a couple of inches. This afternoon I planted all manner of things in the veggie plot.  Tomato side shoots that I had removed last week and rooted in water on the kitchen windowsill have been planted in every available space. I moved some of my pepper plants from the front garden to the veggie plot as something is eating them. It's not slugs but I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be earwigs... little so and so's. Lettuce seedlings have been thinned and I transplanted the thinning's into the spaces between the celeriac. I also thinned out some of my larger lettuce seedlings and found spaces in the veggie plot to put them. The escaping pumpkin is amazing.  I'm sure it's grown three feet overnight. There are flowers every foot or so along the length of it so I am hoping for a good crop. I've never grown them before so it's fun watching it develop. In my porch I have cucumbers and melons coming along nicely.  There's already a baby melon on one of the plants and the cucumber plants are smothered with fruit.  I'm checking twice each day and nipping out all the pesky male flowers after discovering that they make the cucumbers bitter if left on to pollinate the female flowers. 


  1. I am very intrigued to hear how your melons come on...what type they are and how they fair. The year after our back garden conifers were cut down, I planted pumpkins in the wood ash and compost heaps, before the new hedges were planted. Well, what a bumper year we had. Mutant pumpkins were escaping left, right & centre into the neigbours' gardens. I have never been able to recreate this again. Lulu x

    1. The melon is growing from saved seed from a shop bought yellow melon. I'll post a pic tomorrow.
