Sunday, 27 June 2021

Welcome rainfall.. Picture heavy post

 We've had a good dousing these past few days and the garden is looking great. I grew this celery from the base of a shop bought celery and I've already harvested all the stalks twice and still it grows back

Celery grown from kitchen scraps

The gutter garden has been planted up with dwarf Greek basil, golden purslane and spring onions. The seedlings are all popping up nicely now

Golden purslane

Dwarf Greek basil

Spring onions

The peas are smothered in pods which are starting to swell nicely. The rain has been a big help

My sweetcorn plants are well above knee high now. I heard someone say that it should be knee high by the fourth of July so I am well ahead of the game.

Sweetcorn and a red cabbage.

The kale is looking fabulous and we have a few different varieties dotted about the garden. I've already started harvesting leaves from my Red Russian kale. It's a sweet and tender as anything and I am hoping that the Nero de Toscana is just as nice

Nero de Toscana kale

The tub of cabbages are starting to develop hearts and so far haven't been troubled by caterpillars. They are planted far too close together as I want small cabbages rather than huge full size ones

Cabbages grown far too close together 

Mixed brassica bed

The celeriac is looking really strong now and we are hoping for a good crop. I've never grown them before so we are looking forward to seeing if we get a good crop

The darker ones are celeriac and the front row which
are paler are celery grown from seed

Chillies at the back.  Kale in the centre and swede at the front

The bed below has Florence fennel, Rainbow chard, mixed brassicas and three pumpkins.  The pumpkins have escaped over the back of the raised bed and are growing along the path. They already have a good crop of tiny pumpkins forming all along the path.

The escaping pumpkin

The experimental mixed bed

For tea on Friday I picked some snowball turnips from the bed above and they were as sweet as anything
Two Cucamelons and two tomatoes growing though the willow obelisk

I'm hoping that this cucumber is a sweet tasting one though I will be a bit wary when I cut it. The last ones were as bitter as anything and a real disappointment

Cucumber White Wonder

The pallet bed

I've planted all manner of things in the pallet bed. The flowers are making a pretty addition to it aren't they
Coriander, Kallettes, Sprouts, Marigold, Celery and Swede

The apple tree could do with thinning

The golden privet is coming along really well and is making a nice addition to the garden. Doesn't that red acer look lovely in front of it


  1. Your garden is flourishing!

  2. The rain has really brought things on. Now for some warm sunshine as well - please. :-)
    Your garden is amazing!

    1. Thanks Joy. I am enjoying growing all my own veggies.

  3. After 5+ months of drought we finally have rain...and everything is going crazy here in Chicagoland---your garden looks fabulous!

    1. Thanks Sandi. It's amazing what a bit of rain does to the garden.
