I cooked a lovely stew tonight and virtually every veg was from the garden. We really need to find somewhere with a bigger garden as I desperately want the space to grow more veg. The flowers on the pumpkin continue to amaze me. They are huge and such a bright yellow. I'm wondering if I can grow them up over a trellis next year as the flowers would look incredible..
Baby pumpkin |
The carrot harvest is gorgeous though I had two carrots that were starting to bolt. They were like chewing a stick so didn't go into the stew.
More carrot thinnings |
Salad for tomorrow and Tuesday fresh picked from the garden. I've discovered that the stalks on the snowball turnips are lovely and sweet so they have gone into the salad too.
Lettuce, rainbow chard, snowball turnip, cucumber and beetroot leaves all picked fresh from the garden. I also added shop bought pickled beetroot an avocado and baby plum tomatoes |
Weekday lunches for Tony and I. |
We've spent most of today working in the garden as the rain that was forecast didn't arrive until late afternoon. The plants will be guzzling it up like it's going out of fashion, The thunder is crashing around now and the lightning is lighting up the sky.
It all looks wonderful and the flavour must be the best ever.
The salad with crunchy snowball turnips looks delicious! x