Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Russian Roulette

 This morning after our walk I picked a small bag of peas for my friend Marian. I also gave her half a White Wonder cucumber but it was a real disappointment being as bitter as anything.  I'm really disappointed in them as they look amazing. I cut another one and it was beautifully sweet. It's like playing Russian Roulette every time I taste them and I'm not sure if I will bother growing them again next year.  The next seeds I buy will be an all female variety as it's a real pain searching for male flowers every day and then not being sure whether I have got them all. The little melon is coming along a treat though and even if it doesn't come to much it's been fun growing it.  The porch has more than proved its worth this year and next year I am planning on making much more use of it right through the growing season. I think tomatoes will do really well in there but I need to find a space somewhere else for the two wooden shoe boxes.  They are only full of motorbike boots and could go up in the loft. 

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