Thursday 18 November 2021

Another day of great gardening weather

 It's absolutely gorgeous out there today. Almost t shirt weather and I've made the most of it by making a start on an edible flower bed.  I've dug out some non edibles and moved them to the back of the border as it would have been a crying shame to simply discard them. Then I added a thick mulch of leaves and sand which I have covered with cardboard to stop the leaves blowing all over the neighbourhood.  The worms can work their magic all through the winter and spring and then next year I plan to top it off with compost and plant as many edible flowers as I can fit into the bed. To the right of the stepping stones are my spring onions, some beetroot and the chard that I rescued

I dug out the plants on the left hand side of the stepping stones and transplanted them towards the back of the flower bed. There's a white gladioli in full bloom and I've transplanted a load of more gladioli bulbs that were the size of a medium onion.  The flowers are edible and are very welcome additions to the flower bed. I recently discovered that all parts of a dahlia are edible so I plan to make space for some next year. The flowers will go into salads and I'll give the tubers a try to see what would be the best way to eat them. 

I've moved drumstick primula  plants to the front edge near the wall.  They always make such a pretty display in the spring.  I want to trim them back just to neaten them up.  They are a bit of a haven for slugs but as the space is shared with the garden pond I'm hoping that the frogs will help me by having a good snack. The whole space including the veggies is about ten feet by eight feet.  Plenty of room for edible flowers and veggies to grow. 

Before I covered it with leaves and sand.


  1. Hello Cherie, great to see your edible flowers preparations. How funny to have a gladioli still in bloom. Must be a magic bulb. Rub it & it will give you good luck. Lulu x

  2. Getting ready for winter, though I'm still spying colour.
