Wednesday 1 December 2021

The festive hat

 I have absolutely nothing of a gardening nature to tell you so I'll show you my Christmas hat.. It lights up and is perfect for wandering along to your allotment.., But you can't have it.  It's mine all mine.  😀 And if you like Christmassy stuff then my other blog will be awash with tinsel and lights and everything you could ever want at Christmas time 


  1. Oh, I LOVE it. It must look like a walking snow globe!

  2. I see you coming Cherie!!! Oh dear, I am so behind with blog reading that I missed your wonderful Christmas hat! Does it sing? (I was holed up with a fever and lurgy of t'lung all last week). T'other blog you say?! I need to investigate.....

    1. Oh dear. I hope that nasty lurgy has cleared off. The hat doesn't sing but that's a cracking idea.
