Tuesday 22 March 2022

My new cold frame

 It's been a beautiful day here today with bright blue skies and warm sunshine.  I had to remind myself that it's only March and there's still plenty of time for snow and ice.  I went for a walk first thing and had my usual 5 games of Rumikub.  A couple of friends called in for a cuppa and a catch up later on this morning and then I spent the afternoon working in the garden. I emptied some big tubs and part of one of my raised beds. Then added fresh compost and I finally got around to making my cold frame.  The wood was part of my old shed and my friend Brenda gave me the polycarbonate so it's cost nothing but a hand full of screws.


While I'm at work tomorrow Tony is going to give it a lick of wood preservative in my favourite shade  'Willow' and it'll match the rest of the woodwork.  

I'm loving the gorgeous spring colour that is all around my garden right now.


  1. Clever you - I love how much you put together yourself. xx

    1. I love faffing about and upcycling. This cold frame is going to be so useful.

  2. The cold frame is a bobby dazzler Cherie! x :)
