Friday 25 March 2022

Salad days

 That title is misleading as every day is a salad day here but now my lettuce are really starting to grow and it's lovely adding decent sized leaves to my salad mix

I have picked everything but the sauerkraut from the garden... although I did make the sauerkraut from a shop bought white cabbage last year. It's a mix of two varieties of kale, three different colours of rainbow chard, spring onions, pansies, rosemary flowers, spinach, lettuce, sprout leaves and beetroot leaves. I dressed it simply with good olive oil and balsamic vinegar and grated a handful of Red Leicester cheese over the top. It was absolutely gorgeous. I have no idea why people struggle to achieve five portions of fruit and veg each day. Tonight I'm cooking steak and serving it with Brussels sprout shoots and leaves, two varieties of kale and their flowering tops, lovely buttery mashed swede and some roasted Jerusalem artichokes. All fresh picked from the garden.  It's time you all started your own veg plot and saw how much you can grow in a small space and just how much money you could be saving.


  1. We are battling still freezing temps here in Chicagoland in the USA. I actually am bringing all my starts in from the Greenhouse, since heating it is just not worth it and barely over freezing at night. How I will cram all the starts in the kitchen, I don't know. But we are giving up early gardening here, so I'm very jealous of your fabulous nummy salad!

    1. I know what you mean. We use the porch that's attached to the front of the house, treating it like a greenhouse but leaving the door open into the house so that the poor little things don't fry in the heat. Temperatures are set to drop from Wednesday onwards and I'll have to bring them into the kitchen overnight. It's a bit of a faff but well worth it for the lovely crops.
