Monday 11 April 2022

A smashing day for gardening

 I've worked myself to a standstill in the garden today and my hip is giving me hell.  It's my own fault as once I get out there I can't stop.  Today I emptied both my compost bins and turned the contents out onto one of the raised beds.  Then I emptied two big tubs of compost that had been used for growing kale.  I shovelled it all out onto the raised bed and mixed in a good tub full of reindeer poop.  It will be lovely and rich for the seedlings and they'll fly away. I've planted out the red and white kohlrabi, celeriac, leeks and beetroot then covered them with the scaffolding net just to give them a bit of protection. They've been out in the cold frame for over a week now so should be able to handle a bit of cool weather.  It's not forecast to be all that cold tonight anyway so they'll just have to get on with it. I'm growing the leeks to eat as pencil thin baby leeks and have popped them in between the celeriac and kohlrabi. They'll be harvested long before the other veg need the space. I love this time of year when the soil is starting to warm up and I can get things out into the garden. If I wasn't so tired I'd share a photo but it will have to wait until tomorrow. 

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