Sunday 10 April 2022

My cucumbers are flowering

 I've just checked on the plants in the porch and spotted quite a few tiny flowers on some of the Beth Alpha  and White Wonder cucumber plants. I've pinched them off as the plants are far too small to be able to support a growing cucumber.  I'm pleased though as it means that I should be eating fresh cucumbers once the plants are big enough in about a month or so. I'll pot them on into bigger pots this afternoon and watch them romp away.  The forecast is saying that temperatures are set to start rising a bit and that will make a huge difference to the growth rate. We've been leaving the door into the porch slightly open so that the plants can benefit from the warmth in the house. We lit the wood burner these past couple of nights and banked it up with briquettes overnight.  It's a great way to keep both the house  and the plants gently warm. 

I always scatter the pinching's onto the top of the compost in the pot but keep them well away from the stalk. It's all good organic matter and that's exactly what Mother Nature does.


  1. I'm afraid my cucumbers are still snuggling down in the garden centre!!

    1. If you lived a bit.... ermmm, a lot nearer I would give you some. I always grow plenty.

  2. Wow, they're romping away aren't they Cherie! I need to pot on my bedroom window ledge ones x

    1. You should see the Crystal Lemon ones. I can't believe how fast they are growing.
