Sunday 3 April 2022

A very productive day

  It's been gorgeous here today and I managed to spend a good few hours pottering in the garden.  I've got my sweet peas in, moved some lettuce seedlings and transplanted some bunching onions. I've taken out some of the Kale and Sprout plants so that I can get the beds ready for the new plantings. Two raised beds have been topped up with home made  compost and my friends have been over and dropped off a load of reindeer poop. My neighbour cut her lawn the other day and I've scrounged the grass cuttings off her so that I can turn it into compost. I've mixed it  with a load of leaves and will keep turning it and chopping it so that it composts quickly.  I love this time of year when the garden springs to life  again and seedlings really start to put on a growth spurt.


  1. A good days work by the sound of it.

  2. A super Sunday Cherie :) I too get cut grass from my neighbour, but use it,along with layers of newspaper, to smother the rampant weeds at the bottom of the garden!
