Monday 4 April 2022

The front garden

 It's such a pity that we are plagued with the local cat population as I could really grow some gorgeous veg out in the front garden.  I've stuck to growing the veggies in the bottle garden and my raised planter and  as soon as we've collected a few more bottles I'll put some more veg out the front.  It would be a shame to waste such a sheltered sunny spot. In the bottle garden I've got radish, spring onions, beetroot and celeriac. I'm growing the radish purely for the pods so the flowers are going to look really pretty. The celeriac is a bit of a gamble but nothing ventured nothing gained is my motto.  The beetroot are being grown for the leaves and they are going to look so pretty in among the radish flowers.

I've been picking lettuce, spinach and spring onions from this raised bed for weeks. As fast as I pick leaves off the lettuce it grows more and is a gorgeous addition to the salads. I cover it at night if it's forecast to be really cold and that's made a huge difference to the growth rate


  1. Great job on keeping those pesky cats at bay Cherie. There are certain piddly widdly spots in our garden where they seem to try to out do each other, and don't get me started on the other surprises :0 Your salad leaves are looking very fine indeed x

    1. The lettuce have been a huge success and I want to plant several different varieties this year.
