Thursday 7 April 2022

Blimey it's chilly and miserable out.

 And that is not a problem at all. I'll just stay indoors and do indoorsy things.  There's nothing that won't keep for another week or so. Everything is coming along nicely in the porch and there's plenty of room for me to move things on into bigger pots.  I'm thinking of getting some sort of glass shelving unit in there so that I can grow more food.  It'll come in very handy if food prices do start to rocket. I'm starting to run out of things to eat from the garden so know what I need to have extra of next year.  I'll be doing a lot of dehydrating this year instead of giving away all my surplus. I dried plenty of onions and courgettes last year and they were so handy to use.  Once the onions were dried I blitzed them into a powder and they make a great seasoning.

Dahlia.. I want the tubers to develop for eating

The toms are a bit puny but they'll soon catch up.  I can't plant them too early as I just won't have space for them.

The courgettes are really coming along nicely and I reckon that if I keep them in the conservatory I might have an early crop. They are just so vivid and pretty too so won't look odd... not that I'm bothered how they look in truth.

Yellow courgettes

The cucumbers will be getting potted on at the weekend. I've three different varieties so it will be interesting to taste the difference in them all


It's not heated in the porch so I need to lift all the plants out into the hall each evening if temperatures drop down too far.  I will put a couple of big candles in the porch through the day if it get's really cold.


  1. You do look after your plants Cherie. Great idea on the dried onions x

    1. Those plants are going to repay me all summer long.... or they will make compost :-)
