Sunday 8 May 2022

Proper gardening weather

 The weather is absolutely gorgeous today and it motivated me to get out into the garden at 07:30. I've potted on tomatoes and cucumbers and planted out three overwintered peppers.  Then I filled my new halos with good compost and planted out a cantaloup melon, two plum tomatoes and a cucumber. Our garden is very warm and sheltered but I will fleece them if the temperatures fall. It's very early to be planting them out but I have so many  plants that I can afford a few losses. I put some thick hazel sticks into a wigwam and sowed dwarf French beans at the base of each stick and runner beans next to the arch. I've planted out some rainbow chard and cleared a bed of old beetroot that I grew for the leaves as they are starting to bolt now and I have plenty of fresh ones coming along that will be ready in a week or two. I probably should clear the rainbow chard but I'll leave it a bit longer as it's still pushing out tender new leaves. I'm amazed it hasn't gone to seed like the ones in the front garden.  I want to see if the flowers are pretty and worth leaving in the border as the plants have grown quite tall and do look nice. I'm at work all week as exam season has arrived and I'll be invigilating again.


  1. I've just done a quick catchup on this garden blog (I keep forgetting to look) and wow the garden is really looking good & puts me to shame. I've slacked off badly & mine looks sad. Take care and hugs.

  2. What type of peppers did you overwinter Cherie? I've planted one of your cantaloupe melons by 'the hot wall' :) x
