Monday, 17 April 2023

Free tomato plants

 The other day we bought some really tasty baby plum tomatoes in Aldi.  I pulled a few of the seeds out of one of the tomatoes and sowed them in some compost. Just look at how many have sprouted in less than a week.  I'll be finding as much space as possible in the veg plot for them. 

From the garden tonight I picked lettuce, chard, spinach, green garlic, kale, bunching onions, sprout shoots and leeks. I added shop bought cucumber,  beetroot and tomatoes and tossed it all together with a good spoonful of mayo. It was utterly delicious. We are eating a similar salad most days. 


  1. I don't know if commercial tomato crops us F1 varieties - if they do then your plants could turn out a disappointment. Otherwise this sounds like a smart way to get tomato varieties that you like the taste of.

    1. I grow them like this every year and have had some lovely tomatoes. Only ever had one disappointment with nasty bitter tomatoes on one plant. They often throw up surprise plants.

  2. Your salad sounds delicious and nutritious :)

    All the best Jan
