Sunday 14 May 2023

The pampered courgette

 Earlier in the year I decided to push the boundaries to see if I could grow an early courgette. I'm delighted to be able to say that it worked. I've just harvested my first home grown one of 2023. It's been chopped up and added to a big mixed salad that Tony and I will enjoy over the next few days.  

I'm uploading a lot more updates over on my YouTube channel...  The English Lady's kitchen garden if you are interested in watching my garden coming back to life after a very cold wet spring 


  1. I'm going to catch up on your YouTube channel today - I got a bit behind on it. xx

    1. I'm enjoying having video reminders of how the garden is changing each month.

  2. Wow, that is amazing!!! I only planted mine out a couple of days ago :0
