Thursday, 29 April 2021

Stir fry for tea fresh from the garden.

 Well we've had every season today. Through the night the rain lashing down woke me up. When I did get up at 06.30 I discovered that it had snowed overnight though it was only evident on the plant pots.  While out for my early walk we had several sharp hail storms and they continued for the first part of the morning. Sun's out now though it feels quite icy. I'm glad I built a low tunnel over the new raised bed as I think the veggies will have really benefited from a bit of extra protection.  I've just picked a load of veggies for tonight's tea as I am planning on stir frying them with plenty of garlic and ginger.  The kale is turning to seed but the buds are lovely and tender when steamed or fried so I have picked plenty. There's sprout and kale leaves too as well as chard in a variety of colours.  The spinach is just showing enough to give me my first pickings though I will leave them alone to develop a few more leaves before I take any more. Pea shoots are a plenty as I sowed absolutely tons not knowing whether they would grow as they are from an old packet of dried peas I had lurking in the back of one of my kitchen cupboards. They all appear to have sprouted so we will be eating pea shoots till they come of of our ears.. 

I pulled some seeds from a tomato that I was cooking for breakfast and as soon as the pulp has dried I plan to sow them. I hung on this long as I just don't have any spare space in the porch. All the windowsills are full to the brim (do windowsills have brims)?  :-) and I have so many things ready to move on out to the mini greenhouse for hardening off. I really need to build a proper cold frame to give me more hardening off space.  

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I love a good stir fry. I think I'm going to have to give these dried peas a go. Still no rain here, bar a light sprinkling one night. Lulu x
