Saturday, 10 July 2021

Siamese twin cucumbers

 These White Wonder cucumbers are certainly giving me plenty to think about, Two have fused together and formed a Siamese twin cucumber. I'm going to leave it on the plant and see how big it will grow. Just a shame there aren't any flower shows as it would have been a great one for the novelty veg section.

My other cucumbers are doing amazingly well and there are currently four big ones and dozens of smaller ones on the plants. I'm thinking of making some Tzatziki today but will need to add a few fronds from the fennel as I don't have any dill. 

I started some seeds of 'Market more' cucumber yesterday and am hoping that I might just be able to get some late cucumbers at the back end of the year..  I also sowed seeds of 'Paris Market' carrots and popped them up on top of the wood store. I  am trying to extend the growing season by having things growing in trays and tubs dotted about the garden filling every available space. Nothing ventured nothing gained is my new motto. 

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